Friday, January 2, 2009

Naked Daddy: Allan Kayser

Don't mess around with American actor Allan Kayser's because he is, according to wikipedia, "an avid marksman with handguns, shotguns and rifles". He's also proficient in aikido, wrestling, baseball, cycling, motorcycling, weight training. He is also a drummer/percussionist and an accomplished bartender. Multi-talented and multi-skilled, eh?

How's your sex life? Why don't you spice it up with some of the world's bestest sex toys? Go ahead, and order that 8-inch dildo for yourself or to use with a partner. Then add some lubricants to make things hot and easy (go for the Astroglide which Barbara Walter prefers according to the chatty Kathy Griffin). Then don't forget some condoms to keep things safe.

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