Friday, December 25, 2009

The Pope Got Knocked Down, Oh My!

(If the video gets pulled from YouTube, you can probably search and find it.)

Gee I hope she didn’t tear his dress!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Happy Holidays!

Beautiful Guy
Here's a photo that I took in Australia that evokes the holiday spirit. Wishing you all the best this holiday season. Thanks for visiting Beautiful Guys!

Watching You...

Beautiful Guy
...watching me! Hmm, is there a similar photo of me floating around out there somewhere? Happy Holidays!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Beautiful Guy In White Underwear

Beautiful Guy, originally uploaded by funfotoguy2.

Here's a present for you. It's a few more photos of one of my favorite beautiful guys from Gay Pride in NYC. Enjoy!

Beautiful, Eyes Shut

Beautiful Guy, originally uploaded by funfotoguy2.

Maybe he was waiting for a kiss. I took this photo at Gay Pride in NYC.

If You're Into Nice Pits...

Beautiful Guy, originally uploaded by funfotoguy2.

...then this photo I took at Gay Pride in NYC is for you. Enjoy!

Two Hot Men

Beautiful Guys, originally uploaded by funfotoguy2.

All is calm, all is bright! I took this photo at Gay Pride in NYC.

Want a Lollipop?

Beautiful Guy, originally uploaded by funfotoguy2.

It looks like this handsome guy has at least one lollipop to spare. I took this photo at Gay Pride in NYC.

Hairy Leg, White Briefs

Beautiful Guy, originally uploaded by funfotoguy2.

Looks great, and I wish I'd see sights like this a lot more often! I took this photo at Gay Pride in NYC.

If You Like A Nice Bottom...

Beautiful Guy, originally uploaded by funfotoguy2.

...then this photo I took at Gay Pride in NYC is for you. Enjoy!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

makan Gonggong...

Pernah denger "gonggong" ngga? Sepertinya ngga banyak orang yang tahu. Aq sendiri juga baru tahu pas liputan ke Batam.

Gonggong itu sejenis keong laut yang biasa dikonsumsi masyarakat setempat. Sepintas bentuknya seperti bekicot yang biasa kita lihat di lingkungan sekitar, tapi cangkangnya berwarna putih kecoklatan.

Cara mengolahnya pun sangat mudah. Cukup dicuci bersih, diberi garam dan perasan air jeruk nipis untuk menghilangkan bau amisnya. Setelah itu cukup direbus aja dalam air mendidih. Nah, sebagai pelengkapnya, gonggong rebus ini disajikan bersama sambal (kalo yang ii aq ga tau racikannya) yang rasanya manis asam itu.

Tekstur gonggong yang kenyal dan mengingatkanku sama bekicot, bikin aq ragu untuk mencobanya. Tapi penasaran banget, seenak apa sih?? dengan bantuan sebuah tusuk gigi untuk mencungkil "dagingnya", dan sedikit sambal pelengkapnya, aq cobain deh... Kres..kres..kenyal-kenyal gitu, seperti makan cumi-cumi, dengan sedikit aroma laut yang masih menempel di dagingnya. Not bad... ;) Cukup enak kok, hahaha....

Uniknya lagi, cangkang-cangkang sisa gonggong tadi juga diolah menjadi kerajinan tangan yangcantik dan unik. Cangkang-cangkang cantik ini mereka jual sebagai hiasan ataupun souvenir pernikahan. Jadi, "zero waste" ya... :)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Oh Tiger!

Beautiful Guy, originally uploaded by funfotoguy2.

Here's a photo of a beautiful guy I took at Gay Pride in NYC. If I didn't know better, I might think he was looking just a bit upset that Tiger Woods has gotten himself into such a bind!

Tiger Woods: Porn star Joslyn James is tenth woman linked to disgraced golfer

Click this link to read more about the Tiger Woods marriage fiasco.

The Girls' Way

Buat pecinta serial "Sex & The City", pasti kenal donk dengan tokoh-tokohnya, seperti Carrie Bradshaw, Miranda Hobbes, Samantha Jones, dan Charlotte York. Persahabatan unik antara empat cewek yang berbeda karakter dengan masing-masing permasalahan yang mereka hadapi.

Ada satu hal yang menarik perhatian. Namanya persahabatan cewek, tidak lepas dari namanya pertengkaran. Cuma anehnya, sehebat apa pun mereka bertengkar, "shopping" adalah solusi yang ampuh untuk berbaikan kembali.

What can I say, that's the girls' way, isn't it???

Sunday, December 6, 2009

PORN star Holly Sampson last night became the seventh woman alleged to be a mistress of golf star Tiger Woods

Mindy said she romped with Tiger under the nose of his blonde wife Elin, 29, who was pregnant. Mindy said: "All he wanted me for was sex."

Isn't that special?

Friday, December 4, 2009

Makan Ikan Mentah, mmm...Boleh Juga

Apa siy menu utama Ternate, Maluku Utara? Nyaris semua orang akan bilang Papeda dan Gohu Ikan. So, jadilah aku dan beberapa crew meliput pembuatan kedua makanan khas ini di salah satu rumah penduduk setempat.

Apa sih Papeda itu? Papeda bisa dibilang bubur sagu. Sepintas tampak seperti bubur sumsum biasa, warnanya putih, dan teksturnya lengket seperti bubur (pastinya tanpa kuah gula jawa yaaa..). Papeda ini biasa dimakan bersama dengan gulai atau sup ikan. Rasa popeda sendiri tawar, tapi akan jadi terasa nikmat dengan diberi kuah gulai atau sup ikan.

Masyarakat setempat biasanya makan Papeda dengan tangan, bukan dengan bantuan sendok seperti makan bubur pada umumnya. Uniknya, Papeda ini harus dimakan saat baru matang, atau dalam keadaan panas. Kalau sudah dingin, tekstur Papeda akan menjadi liat, seperti lem kanji!!! iiihhh....

Nah, kalau Gohu Ikan, bisa dibilang ini adalah "Sashimi-nya Indonesia". Ikan segar (biasanya tuna atau tongkol) dibersihkan dari tulang dan durinya, kemudian dicincang kasar. Setelah itu, daging ikan dicuci bersih, kemudian disiram dengan air mendidih, kemudian ditiriskan. Barulah kemudian daging ikan itu diberi perasan air jeruk nipis, daun kemangi, dan bumbu-bumbu lainnya. Jadi deh.

Awalnya aq ngga mau nyobain, karena berpikir itu masih mentah. Pasti baunya amis. Tapi rasa penasaranku akhirnya menang. Setelah dicoba....enak!!! Racikan bumbu dan perasan air jeruk nipis menghilangkan bau amis ikan tersebut. I like it !!

Oia, buat pendampingnya, biasanya Gohu Ikan ini dimakan dengan roti tradisional (aq lupa namanya, maaf...). Roti itu berwarna putih, dan kerasnya minta ampun. Aq ngga tau deh, gimana caranya mereka makan tu roti, kuat-kuat banget ya gigi mereka, hehehehe....

Pesannya musti 1 jam sebelumnya...

Nyaris semua penduduk di Ternate akan menyebut Restoran Floridas sebagai referensi kuliner di Ternate. Apa ya kelebihannya??

Restoran ini menawarkan masakan laut khas Ternate, serta pemandangan Pulau Maitara dan Pulau Tidore, seperti yang terdapat di salah satu sisi uang lembaran seribu rupiah. Selain itu, angin laut yang sejuk memang membuat kita jadi betah dan nyaman disana.

Makanannya enak, dengan harga yang sesuai. Tapi ada satu hal, kalau kita lapar banget bahkan sampai mag-nya kambuh, jangan kesini deh. Bukannya apa-apa, tapi makanan yang kita pesan baru diantar 1 jam kemudian. Yup, 1 jam!!! Bahkan mereka mencantumkannya di daftar menu dengan jelas.

Plusnya, makanan yang disajikan merupakan ikan atau hidangan kaut yang masih segar, tapi kalau lapar dan musti nunggu 1 jam...I don't think so, hehehe...

Ternate, Untouched Heaven

Ternate dan Tidore. Hal pertama yang terpikirkan olehQ, "jauh banget ya tempatnya...".

Direct flight yang aq tumpangi memakan waktu kurang lebih 4 jam. Pegel banget...dari duduk, tidur, rebahan (karena saat itu penumpangnya cuma setengah dari kapasitas yang ada), sampe duduk lagi. phiuh... Tapi begitu pesawat landing, rasa lelah itu langsung terbayrkan. Dari beberapa saat sebelum pesawat landing, aq sudah disuguhi dengan pemandangan pantai yang indah di pagi hari. Yep,,,bandara Sultan Babullah - Ternate terletak persis di dekat pantai. Dari bandara itu juga, kita bisa memandang pantai dan pulau lain di kejauhan. Keren kaaan....

Bisa dibilang, dalam 5 hari aq disana, aq bener-bener "kenyang" menikmati pemandangan pantai dan pegunungan yang indah disana. Ibaratnya dari berbagai titik di Ternate, aq bisa memandang pantai di sebelah kiri, dan pemandangan gunung di sebelah kanan. Keren banget !!!

Yep, tapi ternyata menurut penduduk lokal, masi banyak keindahan-keindaha lain yang belum aq temui disana. Hmm...masi ada Gura Ichi, a diving spot dengan pasir putihnya, dan pantai-pantai lainnya.

Someday...i'll be back there

Oia, satu lagi, hotel tempat aq menginap (aq lupa namanya...) punya kolam renang yang luas banget, bahkan mereka mengklaim kalo kolam renang itu terbesar di Indonesia Timur. Tapi emang sih, untuk ukuran hotel, kolam renangnya gede, jadi betah renang tiap hari, hehehe...

Kwetiaw Akuang

Masi dari kota Medan, kali ini soal kulinernya.

Dari dulu aq suka mendengar orang-orang menyebut soal kwetiaw Medan. Nah, kali ni aq berkesempatan untuk mencicipi kwetiaw, yang menurut penduduk sana, terenak di kota Medan.

Namanya "Kwetiaw Akuang". Ada gambar si pemilik warung dan pak Bondan Winarno, si mak nyoss..., di spanduk depannya. jadi semakin tertarik untuk mencoba nih..

Aq pesan "Kwetiaw Goreng Spesial". Saat pesananQ datang, aq sempat ragu. Warnanya pucat dan ga menarik, ga seperti kwetiaw lain yang biasa aq temui yang berwarna kecoklatan. Tapi begitu mencoba, hmm...enyak enyak... Kenyalnya pas, ga terlalu keras ataupun lembek. Bumbunya terasa. Dan yang ga kalah penting, toppingnya (telur, seafood, dll) melimpah. Enak d !!

Museum Rahmat

Kalo denger kata museum, yang ada di benakQ adalah tempat yang membosankan. Tapi untuk yang satu ini, menarik buatQ.

Namanya Museum Rahmat, letaknya di kota Medan. Isinya berbagai spesies hewan hasil buruan yang telah diawetkan dengan air keras. Om Rahmat, si pemilik museum ini, emang hobi banget ma olahraga berburu.

Awalnya aq berpikir, jahat banget siy ngawetin hewan segitu banyaknya, hanya untuk jadi tontonan di dalam museum. Tapi ternyata, hewan-hewan yang ada disini merupakan pemberian dari teman atau kerabat om Rahmat. Yang lainnya adalah hewan-hewan yang diawetkan setelah mereka mati karena suatu penyakit. Jadi bukan dibunuh dan diawetkan dengan sengaja yaaa....

Di museum ini ada sekitar 1000 spesies dari berbagai penjuru dunia. Dari hewan dewasa, sampai yang masi baby. Dari gajah Africa yang gede banget, sampe nyamuk hutan yang ukurannya cuma setitik hitam, ada disini. (maap, yg ni ga ada fotonya)

Karena mereka berasal dari hewan asli, maka ukurannya pun sama persis seperti aslinya. Aq jadi tau kalo jerapah itu emang tinggi banget, n buaya sungai pasti bisa makan aq dalam sekali telan, coz ukuran badannya gede banget!! Hehe... So, kalo maen-maen ke Medan, mampir aja ke museum ini. Very interesting, ok ok...

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Some Thoughts About Marriage Equality

Gay Pride, originally uploaded by funfotoguy2.

Today, the senate in New York State defeated the same-sex marriage bill and missed a glorious opportunity today to assume a leadership position in human rights. In the words of Senator Duane, referring to large looming problems like war and the economy, "There is never a good time for civil rights — it’s never, ever the right time for civil rights, I know,” he added. “But the paradox is it’s always a good time to be on the right side of history.” Today, it was very painful to watch my own state's representatives vote to let bigotry stand, to actually listen to individual senators call out their "NO" votes and impact my reality like this.

Our day WILL come.

Today, I am celebrating the future by posting a series of some of my favorite photos that I took at Gay Pride in NYC.

Everyday is Gay Pride Day

Gay Pride, originally uploaded by funfotoguy2.

This beautiful sight that I photographed at Gay Pride 2009 in NYC is a rousing image that I hold in my mind everyday as I consider where gay people have been, progress that's been made and what we deserve to achieve in the future. Nothing less than full equality will do.

Love is Beautiful, Love is Real!

Gay Pride, originally uploaded by funfotoguy2.

Love makes the world a better place for everyone. Too bad that fear and ignorance continue to blind too many of the people in political power here in the USA. The darkness will get dispelled in time so that equal rights and justice will ultimately prevail. I took this photo at Gay Pride 2009 in NYC.

Support Marriage Equality!

Gay Pride, originally uploaded by funfotoguy2.

If you are gay, whether or not you ever want to get married, it is a right that should be available to you here in the USA, a country which prides itself on equal treatment for all under the law. I took this photo at Gay Pride 2009 in NYC.

Joy, Light & Love

Gay Pride, originally uploaded by funfotoguy2.

I assume these two young men who I photographed at Gay Pride 2009 in NYC are a couple. If they are, they cannot get married, today, in New York or most other states in the USA. No matter how long a same-sex couple has been together, or how committed they are to each other, or how upstanding a citizen each person in a same-sex couple is, no matter what they each contribute to society in America, regardless of the taxes that they pay to support EVERYONE in America, same-sex couples who want to get married are being denied equal status due to sheer bigotry and ignorance. This must not stand.

It's Been 40 Years Since the Stonewall Rebellion

Gay Pride, originally uploaded by funfotoguy2.

40 years after Stonewall, and we still don't have marriage equality. The excerpt below, from NYS senate bill S66003, explains the situation of many of you in the good old USA, and/or your friends and members of your family quite well. I took this photo at Gay Pride 2009 in NYC.

Partners unable to enter into a civil marriage - and their children - lack basic legal protections taken for granted by married couples. In such areas as property ownership, inheritance, health care, hospital visitation, taxation, insurance coverage, child custody, pension benefits and testimonial privileges, married couples receive important safe-guards against the loss or injury of a spouse, and crucial assurances against legal intrusion into their marital privacy. As important, unions lacking the State's recognition are denoted, by force of law, as somehow not equal to other comparable relationships. Civil marriage is the means by which the State defines a couple's place in society. Those who are excluded from its rubric are told by the institutions of the State, in essence, that their solemn commitment to one another has no legal weight.

Out Loud and Proud!

Gay Pride, originally uploaded by funfotoguy2.

The defeat of the gay marriage vote in the New York State senate today is disappointing and deplorable. But progress is unstoppable. We WILL attain marriage equality! I took this photo at Gay Pride 2009 in NYC.

Love is Beautiful

Gay Pride, originally uploaded by funfotoguy2.

Two young men are the image of health, joy and beauty in this photo I took at Gay Pride 2009 in NYC.

Gay Pride Forever!

Gay Pride, originally uploaded by funfotoguy2.

I love the strength that emanates from this flag bearer in a photo I took at Gay Pride 2008 in NYC.

Two Friends

Gay Pride, originally uploaded by funfotoguy2.

These handsome guys were enjoying Gay Pride 2009 in NYC when I took this photo.

Saturday, November 28, 2009



Miss International 2009 - Miss Mexico Anagabriela Espinoza

Miss International 2009 - Miss Mexico Anagabriela Espinoza

Miss International 2009 First Runner Up- Miss Korea Seo Eun-mi

Miss International 2009 Second Runner Up- Miss UK  Chloe-Beth Morgan

Miss International 2009 Second Runner Up- Miss UK Chloe-Beth Morgan

Completing the Top 15 Finalists are delegates from Belarus, Belgium,Brazil, Canada, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Finland, Japan, Panama, Philippines, Spain and Venezuela.

(click the thumbnails to view full photo)
Miss International 2009 Top15 Finalist- Miss Belarus Yana SupranovichMiss International 2009 Top15 Finalist- Miss Belgium Cassandra D'ErmilioMiss International 2009 Top15 Finalist- Miss Brazil Rayanne Morais
Miss International 2009 Top15 Finalist- Miss Canada Chanel BeckenlehnerMiss International 2009 Top15 Finalist- Miss Cuba Patricia RosalesMiss International 2009 Top15 Finalist- Miss Dominican Republic Victoria Fernández
Miss International 2009 Top15 Finalist- Miss Finland Linda WikstedtMiss International 2009 Top15 Finalist- Miss Japan Yuka NakayamaMiss International 2009 Top15 Finalist- Miss Panama Joyce Jacobi
Miss International 2009 Top15 Finalist- Miss Philippines Melody GersbachMiss International 2009 Top15 Finalist- Miss Spain Melanie SantiagoMiss International 2009 Top15 Finalist- Miss Venezuela Laksmi Rodriguez

(click the thumbnails to view full photo)

Other Special Awards given were:
  • Miss Friendship: Wang Qian (China)
  • Miss Photogenic: Seo Eun-mi (Korea)
  • Miss Internet Popularity: Anagabriela Espinoza (Mexico)

Interesting Facts About Miss International 2009:

  • Japan, Philippines, Spain and Venezuela also placed last year.
  • Cuba placed for the first time at Miss International contest.
  • Belarus, Korea and Mexico last placed in 2007.
  • Dominican Republic and Panama last placed in 2006.
  • Brazil and Finland last placed in 2005.
  • United Kingdom last placed in 2004.
  • Canada last placed in 2000.
  • Belgium last placed in 1993.